Green House Gas (GHG), as generated in the supply chain, is one of the main perpetrators and creates greater environmental & social costs to humanity. As per the Mckinsey report, a typical consumer company’s supply chain generates more than 80% GHG than its own operation. Therefore, a responsible and greener supply chain shall have a far-reaching impact on sustainability and climate change. This entails a very close evaluation by the manufacturer to adopt green supply chain practices with their supply chain partners, i.e., both customers as well as suppliers.
Buying locally produced material or from proximity sources could be one of the key responsible steps by the manufacturer towards reduction in carbon footprint and making the supply chain green. Furthermore, encouraging the manufacturer, through policies, incentives, etc., to use locally available recycled inputs in their production will help in reducing GHG emissions. In addition, responsible investors may factor in the Green Supply Chain while pursuing the investment decision.
There are many other green supply chain practices, which shall be deliberated in our next post.